
Monday November 9, 2015

The Wister Rhododendron Garden is one of the largest collections of hardy elepidote rhododendrons in North America. Initiated in 1953, the collection represents the culmination of a life’s work by one of the leading Rhododendron breeders in the United States, Dr. John Casper Wister.

Wister amassed representative hybrids of major breeders, including Dexter, Gable, Leach, Nearing, Skinner, and Glenn Dale. Very hardy hybrids developed in the 19th century termed “Ironclads” were included, as well as Swarthmore hybrids from Scott Arboretum nearby on the campus of Swarthmore College. Wister selected for late-blooming, increased hardiness, improved flower color and fragrance.

Primarily featuring named rhododendron cultivars and un-named hybrids, the collection today is a remarkable assemblage of large-leaved evergreen Rhododendron suitable to growing conditions of the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Plans for the collection include propagation of unique or rare taxa, and added educational components to tell the story of this historical Rhododendron breeding program.

Collection Holdings


  • Tyler Arboretum
    Tyler Arboretum