US National Arboretum welcomes their new Lead SY of the Germplasm Project, Dr. Todd Rounsaville, who began work on April 13, 2020. Todd comes from the Polly Hill Arboretum, where he served as curator of the living collections and was involved in collection development and collaborative germplasm exchange and exploration, as well as oversight of greenhouse and production facilities, and securing external funding. He received his M.S. in Horticulture from NC State and his Ph.D in Biology from the University of Kentucky, where he also served as the Curator of Native Plants at the UK Arboretum. Other garden experience includes work at Juniper Level Botanic Gardens, the Scott Arboretum, the Arnold Arboretum, and the USNA. Todd also currently serves as chair of the Plant Collections Network (PCN), so will certainly be an asset as USNA works on Collection Development Plans.